Friday, April 29, 2016

Podcast - OPB - Think Out Loud

A conversation with Theresa and Lorine Snyder on Oregon Public Broadcasting

Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Review of "We 3" by Paula Rose Michelson

Writing Paula Rose: Theresa Snyder shares why a Scifi author wrote "We 3" a Much Needed Book

What Readers Are Saying About...

“This book reminded me of my childhood favorites - Laura Ingalls Wilder and Understood Betsy - because of the focus on the everyday lives of a loving family. It is full of touching details. For example, when I read how Theresa and her father worked for years on the garden so that the ailing mother could see her favorite plants & flowers from every single door & window, a tear came to my eye. It doesn't gloss over the tough parts of being a caregiver for aging parents - but the author's graceful sense of humor carries her through it all. Even though the topic of the book is aging, I'd say the book is more funny than sad. Reading it was a really soothing, peaceful experience for me. The book distracted me from my worries and made me thoughtful about the things that really matter in life.” — Charlotte Ashlock

“I recommend this book! Theresa's collection of essays on living with her parents as their adult caregiver shed light on the ups and downs of re-combining the family unit after years spent apart. There are the difficulties of merging households while maintaining respect for each other, the joys of connecting as friends beyond the hierarchal parent-child relationship, and the challenges of give-and-take as age and illness encroach on both the parent and the caregiver. These vignettes don't glamorize or soft-pedal, neither do they portray anyone as martyr or saint. This is how the Snyder household truly is, and we are invited to join them. If you take nothing away from this book but the fact that LOVE lives here, then I'm sure Theresa, Lorine, and James will be well-pleased.” — JK Mohr
Author Interview
Why do you write? I wrote We 3 because I saw the need for other baby boomers, like me, who were inheriting their parents to see they were not alone. I wanted to show that it didn’t have to be a chore. That you could learn from the experience.

How did God direct you? He gave me the ability to keep a sense of humor and the talent to write about it.

What is your self-publishing or regular publishing experience? I have been self-published since 2013. Prior to that I wrote for the local newspaper. We 3 is a compilation of those newspaper articles from my human interest column. I am on all the platforms so my international readers have access.

Where do you write? I write in my head mostly, then when I sit down at the computer I write in a room I built which I call The Moroccan Room. It is all jewel tones and very relaxing.

Do you have any words of wisdom to pass along? To authors, I would say, don’t get discouraged. It takes time to gain an audience. To readers, baby boomers in particular, relax and enjoy the moments with your elders. Remember, if you do, you won’t have to say, “I wish I had.”
About Author, Theresa Snyder

Theresa Snyder is a multi-genre writer with an internationally read blog. She grew up on a diet of B&W Scifi films like Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still. She is a voracious reader and her character driven writing is influenced by the early works of Anne McCaffrey, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein and L. Ron Hubbard. She loves to travel, but makes her home in Oregon where her elder father and she share a home and the maintenance of the resident cat, wild birds, squirrels, garden, and occasional Dragon house guest.

To find We 3 in Kindle or Paperback click:
(Available in regular and large print.)

This book is available on other platforms, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google+, etc

Facebook (Public Site):

Facebook (Author Site):

Paula Rose Michelson’s Amazon Review: Having asked and been gifted We 3, by talented author, Theresa Snyder, I must share that this authors memoir of a daughter changing her life to care for her aging parents is one all who work in the field of Gerontology and those who live with, or care for the elderly need to read. We 3 is a touching, funny, love and family affirming great primer for children who find their parents aging in ways they could have never imagined. Though written with great love, respect, and understanding, the author shows us what it's like to give up our freedom to live with and handle the difficulties the elderly face when only a short while ago they were taking care of us! Having chosen to be the one to support all my husbands and my aging family members, I know being prepared is critical! Therefore, were I rich, I would gift a copy to each family, doctor, senior retirement facility and every person taking classes in senior issues! All this said, I urge you to read and keep this on your shelf so when the time comes you’ll have a reference that shows the joy within the journey!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Theresa Snyder - An Author Interview

eBookBump is a new social media contact for authors to promote their books.
Peter Coverley, the founders of eBookBump, has been most helpful in promoting my work.
Peter and I had a lovely chat. 
Hope you enjoy reading about our visit.

Click here for the Link to the Interview

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

For Writing Out Loud - Writer's Wednesday

J.D. Estrada is fascinated by words. As a kid, he always dreamed of being an inventor. He just had no idea he’d end up doing it using words. He's also fascinated by human connections and the human condition. That’s why his blog exists and that’s something central to his writing, being novels, poetry, fiction or just your average blog post. The human connection is where we can all meet, grow and become better people.

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by J.D.

It is the most fun I have had in ages.

J.D. Estrada took the time to get to know me and my work prior to asking the questions.

It is informative and was a ton of fun.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

MineEye 2

Things just keep getting better with the publishers at MineEye.
Check out this great post on their blog with a Video to boot!
I am loving being spoiled by them.



I have hooked up with a UK publisher - MineEye.
They are a great group of folks and busy promoting my Shifting books
in the Twin Cities Series for me.
Here is my "Introduction" on their Blog.