Thursday, February 26, 2015

Review of James & the Dragon Audio Book

This is not an Interview or Guest Blog, but it is a really thoughtful review of James & the Dragon, which I wanted to pass on.
From Susan Voss of Dab of Darkness

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Ron Shaw Show

I had the honor of being a guest on 

Just click on the title above to listen in. 
We had a blast!

ArtistFirst Partners with

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dragon Saturday

Lanie invited Farloft and I to drop in for a quick interview on Lanies Book thoughts.
She also reviews not only James & the Dragon, but also takes a dip into the Blog to read
one of Farloft's "Early Years" tales - FUR AND FROST.
Check out her article.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Pen & Ink Design a World

How do you approach creating a new world for your readers?
That was the question Annie Acorn, Pen & Ink asked me to comment on.

I used my creation of Captain Targus' world of Walh in "The Malefactors" Vol. 4 of The Star Traveler Series

Check it out World Building