Here is a YouTube interview I did with A.J. Hoge Founder and Director of The Effortless English Program. AJ teaches non-English speaking folks how to learn English like we all did as children, by reading authentic English material.
His students are finding it helpful to listen to Farloft's first chronicle, James & the Dragon on audio and read along with the eBook or Paperback.
Actually, it was two authors and two dragons, when I sat down with Cheryl Matthynssens of The Dragons' Geas. Since this interview Cheryl and I have become such fast friends that we have founded The Society of Enlightened Dragonologists
I was introduced to Massimo Marino by Carla Monticelli. Massimo asked me to bring Farloft, my dragon with me on this interview. His monkey audience didn't really know what to think of my tweeting dragon.
Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli gave me my first opportunity to write a Guest Blog. Since those early days and my infinite steps as an Indie writer, Carla has been by guide and helper. She is truly a generous soul.
Paul Cude is an author from the UK who mixes Dragons with modern times. I love his unique concept of dragons living below our very feet and rider monorails to boot.
Because I have Farloft, my dragon friend, we naturally gravitated toward one another. This is my interview which appeared on his site: The Sober Hokey Player
I was privileged to be the first author interviewed on this site. The point of the site was you had to catch your readers with the first one thousand words of your novel, or they would not finish it and feel moved to review it. This is my attempt at catching the eye of a reader.
Having completed my first year as an Indie author, the folks at VoiceCatcher asked me to write a series of articles for their web site. This is number 1 - My First Year
I volunteer for a local group called VoiceCatchers. They are a group of women who work to connect, inspire and empower other women authors and artists.
This is a post they asked me to write on what books were currently close at hand for reference while writing. You might find the article interest, well as helpful.